Sunday 13 May 2012

Generation One - Chapter One

This was my new home? 

Well, call me unimpressed.

The bedroom was.. alright, but so tiny! The whole house was tiny!

Honestly, I thought my parents would have bothered a little more than this. Sure, they had kicked me out because apparently, I had a dark aura or some shit like that, and apparently, having an insane daughter was bad for their image, but seriously? They were rich!

They must have really hated me to only give me this little shack.

I needed a moment to think, so I sat down on my cheap chair, in my cheap kitchen. My parents were awful liars, so their decision to kick me out hadn't exactly come as a surprise. I had done some research on this place. The local crime organisation was looking for getaway drivers, someone no one would miss if things went wrong.
I could drive, and I doubted my parents would miss me much, so I had been considering it. It had not been easy to find this bit of information, but I knew my way around things. I knew how to get the information I wanted. I could lie, and run if I had to. Why wouldn't they hire me?

Word on the street was, even all the way back home, that the criminals gathered near the hospital and lab. I didn't have much money left, but I had to get there somehow and I didn't know my way around at all yet, so I called a taxi.

I asked to go to the hospital, and once I was there I took a look around. The building I was after was pretty easy to find after that. How the hell had the cops not shut them down yet? They weren't exactly trying to hide!

I knocked at the heavy iron door, and was greeted by a raspy male voice.

"What do you want?"

"Word on the street is you're looking for drivers..."

"Fuck off, there's nothing here."

"I'm not with the police, you idiot! Let me in, or I can change that!" No one told me to fuck off.

It did the trick, because the door opened. I had no idea who I had just talked to, because it was completely dark inside. Someone grabbed my arm and led me through the darkness, and boy he was strong! I tried to free myself, but no matter what I did he did not loosen his disgusting, sweaty grip on me.

Either way, whoever interrogated me seemed happy I was there, because I got the job pretty much immediately. With a warning that I needed to be fit in this job, or I wouldn't survive the month.

Needless to say, I made my way over to the stadium next. Where I came from, there were always some fitness classes going on, and right now I really needed one. According to mystery-darkness-man, anyway.

The workout had tired me out a little more than I liked. I had always kept myself fit, but it seemed that I had been slacking off lately.

Back at home there always were loads of people at the park, so I decided to jog there. I had caught a small glimpse of it from inside the taxi, so I had a rough idea of where I was going. And I really wanted to meet someone! I had not found the right man for me before I was force-moved here, and I had every intention to continue my search. After all, you need to search for things to find them, right?

Not long after I arrived at the park, I spotted this man smiling at me. Not bad, I thought to myself and went over to greet him.

He introduced himself as Odin Crosby. Not the most attractive name I had ever heard, but I wasn't willing to give up my name anyway. If I got married, he would take my name, and he would not be able to talk me out of it.

To woo him I did what I usually did. I told him how I loved working out, how I was keeping myself fit and how my training had made me pretty flexible.

His response?

He yawned! What kind of man does not like a fit woman who could put her legs behind her ears??

Odin used the opportunity to show of his wedding ring. Ah well, his wife didn't have to know, did she? They usually always fell for me, and I wasn't so stupid to run around telling everyone. Apart from this one time, but that was his fault, and he knew I would want revenge! So really, that time didn't count.

Sadly, handsome Odin didn't seem overly impressed with me just yet, so I decided to move on for now.

My mysterious interrogator had given me the hint that our boss, a woman called Rhoda, often visited the pool to relax, and I was dying to meet her!

The pool was not very busy when I got there, and there was only one other woman in the same room as me...

Dear God, was the naked woman my boss?

A little taken aback, I went closer. "Excuse me? Excuse me, are you Rhoda?" The nude one turned her head immediately. Great.

"I was informed you might show up here. Presumably, you're Catherine?" I cringed a bit when she said my name.

"It's Kate, actually." Catherine sounded so... posh. I was, or used to be, rich, but I was also hot! Catherine just never sounded the part to me.

We had a little chat, and while I didn't overly like her she wasn't terrible, either. I'd get along with her. Until I was her boss.

Rhoda invited me to stay, and since I didn't feel like I should say no to my new boos before I had even started my job, I stayed.

It wasn't so bad. There were a lot of hot guys around, that was sure! At least my search for the right one wouldn't be too difficult that way. It was always more fun when they were hot.

Eventually, I could hear and feel my stomach complain, and I realised that I hadn't eaten anything all day. It was getting dark outside, so I said my goodbyes to my boss and called the next taxi.

I had never cooked much before now, and honestly had no idea what I was doing, but my salad came out edible. It wasn't brilliant or anywhere near perfect, but it wasn't so bad that I needed to throw up. Or had to fear for my life.

Since I'd start work the next day already I put the rest of my cheap dinner into my cheap fridge, and reached for my phone.

I had innocently asked Odin for his number, so he could show me around town some when. It wasn't too late just yet, and I had actually kinda liked him, so I called him.

We didn't talk for long, however. My first day in Riverview had really taken it out of me.

I went to bed without bothering with a shower (not that I had a choice - my parents had confused shower with bathtub), and fell asleep almost instantly.


Wishes fulfilled

Kate: Join Criminal Career
         Take class in the athletic skill
         Meet someone new
         Talk to Rhoda
         Talk to Odin

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