Sunday 3 June 2012

Generation One - Chapter Fourteen

Life was good. Several months had passed since our romantic evening in the community gardens, and I felt like Max and I were getting closer. I was looking forward to seeing him again each day, and when we were together I was very much enjoying myself.

I had started working on some job improving things, too. A few days ago we had a match and we won, but it was a tight win, and I had been exhausted after. It had taken me a while to catch my breath, so I had started working out more regularly again. Something that had been sorely ignored so I could see Max instead. I had even been offered to appear in a commercial, sponsored by our business offices! The job had been easy, and had paid very well.

However, it was because I was focusing on my job more again that I didn't have the time to see Max as well. So one evening, I invited him over for breakfast the next morning.

I had gotten pretty good at cooking, and breathed in the delicious smell of my pancakes when Max arrived.

He sure had gained weight in the one week we hadn't seen each other! I had no idea how it was possible to gain this much weight this quickly, especially where he was one of my co workers by now, but I didn't really mind. I still lov- liked him, and he was still a fantastic kisser.

And he was still fantastic in the shower, and in bed. Somehow he could still happily go an hour without needing to catch his breath, so his weight didn't bother me.

Only a few minutes after we had both decided to take a break, I got my answer to his sudden and extreme weight gain.

He had already eaten two pancakes for breakfast. I was still naked when he went to get his third one. I tried to distract him by standing right in front of him, but he only seemed interested in his food.

Now I didn't care how much he weighed, but I didn't want to help him have a heart attack, either, so I made a quick mental note not to serve him food again.

Max was over at my house a lot, so one day I thought I should go visit him for a change. His house was beautiful, surrounded by flowers, with a porch that went all the way around the back. It was lovely, and I wondered if maybe I had enough money for a new place somewhen soon. I easily had enough space where I was, and even had a spare room which I wasn't using, but seeing this beauty made me wonder.

Max invited me inside, where I was greeted by his brother and parents. The interior design wasn't quite as nice as the exterior, but it wasn't enough to stop me from day dreaming.

Max, however, was. He pulled me into his arms, gave me a kiss, and smiled at me in a very suggestive way.

"Maybe you could show me around..."

"It'd be bad manners if I didn't" he said, giving me another kiss and taking my hands. He led me into the first room, which happened to be a bedroom. I guessed that it was probably his room, since he had led me into it, but in that moment I wanted him too badly to question anything.

The bed itself was incredible. It was much more comfortable than mine, and looked like it had cost a lot more, too.

We didn't want to take too long, since we didn't want to risk anyone walking in on me giving him a blowjob, and it was just as well. Not two minutes after we had gotten dressed again, there was a knock on the door and his Mum entered without waiting for an answer.

Ginny was a sweet woman, very polite, very pretty, and very welcoming. She told me how happy she was to finally meet me, and how good she thought I was for her son. She astonished me, she looked so young! She even looked younger than Max, and definitaly much younger than her husband, who had gray hair. Ginny didn't even have wrinkles on her seemingly ageless face.

With all this attention on Max and my job, there was hardly any time left to talk to Don.  We chatted every other night if we had a few minutes, but one of us would be tired, or had to leave, so we never got to talk for long.

My boss had been impressed with my commercial, though, and had promoted me. To treat myself, I ordered some pizza. I was feeling a little funny that night, and was wondering if something was wrong with the pizza, but dimissed that thought quickly. My stomach had been feeling a little queasy all day, so it couldn't be the pizza. Maybe I had caught the flu? A lot of people were sick this time of year, it was possible that I had caught it.

Since both Don and Max were busy that night, I decided to have a nice evening in and watched TV. The film was getting really good, when I suddenly felt a lot worse. I knew I was about to throw up, so I jumped up and headed towards my bathroom.

But I wasn't quick enough, and threw up in the middle of my kitchen. I had never felt so terrible, it felt like all my insides were cramping at the same time. Eventually, it was over, and I got myself some water to wash out any left over vomit. In the morning I threw up again, and one month later I knew what had been making sick. It wasn't the flu.

I was pregnant.


Wishes Fulfilled

Kate: Clean Squatter's Sink
         Do Laundry
         Throw a great party
         Improve athletic skill
         Chat with Max
         Talk to Ginny
         Meet a vampire
         Use slip and slide
         Order pizza

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